
Go Schedular

Process Process contains common resources that may be allocated by any process. These resources include but are not limited to a memory address space, handles to files, devices, and threads...

Solving Modern Programming Challenges With Go

Development speed Consequently, many Go applications compile in under a second. The entire Go source tree compiles in under 20 seconds on modern hardware. Writing applicat...

Array Slice And Map In Golang

Array Array Internals and fundamentals An array in Go is a fixed-length data type that contains a contiguous block of elements of the same type. Arr...

Authentication Service

DockerHub Profile: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/pilaniya1337/authservice GitHub Profile:https://github.com/mukeshpilaniya/auth MakeFile Start the application make up ...

Open Source Contributions

Open Source Contribution List Checkmarx/kics 1.1 https://github.com/Checkmarx/kics/pull/3422 1.2 https://github.com/Checkmarx/kics/issues/3412 Canvasbird/canvasboard 2.1...

Cp Competitive programming time Complexity

Hello all, when you doing competitive programming or solving any coding questions on coding platform like leetcode, hackerearth or hackerrank then sometime you might be faced TLE error, while submi...

Calculator With Devops Tool Chain

DockerHub Profile: https://hub.docker.com/r/pilaniya1337/calculator GitHub Profile:https://github.com/mukeshpilaniya/calculator Required Tools: - Git (source code management) Docker (contain...

Classroom Management System

Github:- https://github.com/mukeshpilaniya/cms Login Only Admin, Prof, SAC,TAs, Committees can login Admin Enter timetable details in database(Fixed for the sem) If a particular classroom (wh...

Flight Ticket Reservation

Github:- https://github.com/mukeshpilaniya/FlightApi Flight Ticket Reservation Description Design and implement an application to reserve flights based on source, destination and date. The applic...

Roadmaps For Os Dbms And Oops

OOPS RoadMap- credit @loveBabbar DBMS RoadMap- credit @loveBabbar OS RoadMap- credit @loveBabbar